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Do you like having a student or new nurse shadow you?

Karin Zonneveld


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Absolutely! Please nurselings - come under my wing. Someone has to show the newer nurses how to treat patients with compassion, talk to them and explain everything you're doing for them, even if they are nonverbal patients, and be a good example of what nursing can be and can look like when treated with compassion and understanding. Two things that are key- don't be irritated a patient used their call light! That's terrible I don't care if its a confused patient that is constantly using it, treat them with dignity. Secondly, never walk into a room with your colleague and converse with each other as if the patient is not there in the bed! Oh the things I have heard nurses and CNAs say in front of patients is nightmarish. Stop your gossip and talk to the patient upon entering their room. Period.

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