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Miranda Belcher

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Miranda Belcher last won the day on September 5

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  1. Opinions, what would be the perfect mascot for the nursing industry? I am going with Anxiety from Inside Out 2!
  2. I love this and you have illustrated it so well.
  3. This is a good question. While it may sound strange, the hospital I worked at sent home a contract you were supposed to sign to yourself, promising not to shake your baby! I was quite thrown off to find this in my postpartum papers when I had a baby at that hospital. That said, no one talked to me or reached out regarding postpartum depression. I also had lactation issues and was in there 2 times a week for lactation consults and no one talked to me at all about how I was feeling as a new mother who couldn't produce milk and that didn't give me depression but it made me sad and like my body failed me.
  4. I definitely agree as most addicts start out by taking prescription opioids from a provider. The fentanyl deaths are the most alarming trend and sadly it's made in labs and also mailed into the country through China - which means the vast majority of these deaths are no longer related to prescribed opioids 😞 I admire the nurses and healthcare responders who are going into the most affected areas with Narcan and saving lives.
  5. Have you or one of your patients ever had lice? I did, and with hair halfway down my back, the treatments, the comb, and a hot straight iron to every single strand worked the first round and one treatment of all three! https://publichealthmaps.org/calendar/2019/9/1/national-pediculosis-prevention-month
  6. One person dies every 5 minutes from an opioid-related death. That's about 280 Americans per day. I personally think the problem is too large for any political solution, considering no matter who is in charge, the problem continues to escalate. What are the solutions to the opioid crisis?
  7. Definitely! I tried the whole "not my circus, not my monkeys" one for a while but since I feel responsible for the patients more than I probably should - they were my monkeys! I resorted to "more than halfway done" after six hours in.
  8. Absolutely! I am so glad to see more nurses taking this stance and prioritizing their lives above work.
  9. Yes!! Definitely! The worst is using those on pediatric patients and trying not to wake them at night or to keep them holding still until the temperature actually read!
  10. Hydraulic lifts, paper charting, lap buddies, Posey vests.... your turn!
  11. This is going to be my new go-to for the rest of the year! LOL
  12. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it improves the quality of your misery!
  13. I love working in facilities that chart by exception, personally...
  14. *Pulls the form out of my carry-all clipboard and hands it to the patient along with a pen*...
  15. What nursing specialty do you work in and why? Have you ever thought about switching?
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