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Emily rucker

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Emily rucker last won the day on August 11 2023

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  1. No it’s NURSA allows multiple people apply to the same shift so your chance of getting the shift is slim. It’s dumb. It’s not like other agencies where you apply to the shift and it’s yours. First come first serve basis.
  2. However how would they know if they don’t give others a chance? Give someone a chance and see. If they aren’t good then don’t bring them back
  3. They don’t always post the number for the staffer directly . I see a main number posted for the facility however, I’m not going to call and say “hey can I speak to your staffer.” lol . Also, it should be first come first serve. If I pick up the shift first then I should get the shift. The other agencies I work for have it as such. Nursa only seems to care if the shift is filled for their benefit. They could care less about you or I or whomever making money. Plenty of times workers complain about the same subjects and still NURSA is yet to change anything that is beneficial to the clinicians.
  4. When will you guys update your app to where if a clinician requests a shift ,that clinician gets the shift???? It shouldn’t be where multiple clinicians can request one shift. That’s how we lose out on the opportunity to make money. I say that because some buildings choose favorites and don’t give others a chance to perform or show what good they are. You’re the only app (registry) that does that .. it’s not right. Also, why are the facilities keeping the shifts posted if a clinician is not needed period?? It’s frustrating because they leave you on requested at times instead of just denying the shift or simply deleting it period. And another thing.. allowing the buildings to verify shifts late or not at all delays our pay. Why is it in their control or your control as we are not employees? The better thing to do is pay after the work is done as it should be for self contractors.
  5. It’s unfair that we have to wait for our pay because the facility don’t verify the shift. We verify it on time why can’t we get it verified by the facility on time or even at all.? AlSo there will be times that we will work multiple facilities and our pay is split up according to facility verification. it’s ridiculous how this works.
  6. There are several things about NURSA that are plain stupid. First, they let the facility approve the shift in which, They actually let three people request the same shift and the building chooses the person. Other apps such as clipboard gives you the shift once you request it . And Second, they wait for a facility shift report to pay. Other apps are instant payout. This is just to name a few. And the thing is NURSA gets these same repetitive complaints and they still don’t change
  7. They keep you for four hours because they have to pay for four hours if you show up and they send you home. So they’d rather have you use your time than pay for you going home.
  8. It’ll be nice for NURSA to get with it.. it’s 2023 and they are still doing facility shift reports… update the way you guys clock in and out so that clinicians can get paid on time. Example either gps while using the app and have clinicians clock in and out so therefore you have a location and know they are working there for the day or have a facility sign the app when done working. It’s that simple.
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