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Andréa M. RN

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  1. There is a facility where I am located that posts the majority of shifts in my area. I have been requesting shifts since my initial download of this app. Never been accepted for a shift. Messaged the point of contact repeatedly to figure out what I’m doing wrong. The staffing associate finally responds saying that they were good for the day. So why are shifts being posted that don’t even need to be filled. Then I finally got another response about how to get booked. I was told that I need to come to the facility to get a background check down and fingerprints done that will cost me out of my own pocket. How was this not communicated from weeks ago and how is anyone supposed to know automatically? I was told today that Nursa was unaware of this process. Very frustrating.
  2. Pay needs to be deposited all at once. There has to be a better way.
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