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  1. TAJUANA (*nickname KITTY) MUNDAY's post in Canceling shifts was marked as the answer   
    If I understand right, you picked up several shifts at a new facility, all at once through the agency you're affiliated with. And when you arrived for the first shift you had scheduled, you found out that they had not only scheduled you, but that they had scheduled another HCP from a different agency? For that shift, they agreed to allow you to work the shift anyway, but the subsequent shift they sent you home AFTER you arrived, saying that they had again double booked and didn't need you? I feel your pain having once driven 38 miles to a facility only to be told the same thing! Howsoever I learned 2 lessons from it. First lesson: never book multiple shifts with a new facility at the start. Book just one to see how it works out and if there are any issues. You can always pick up more shifts later if they work out And second, we ALL have the ability to check with the facility directly prior to needing to head there, and can verify before driving all that way that they either still need us or they don't but they forgot to cancel. I do agree that facilities should face stiffer penalties for cancelling like that, especially if they become known for doing so often. Since I'm new with Nursa, I'm unfamiliar with their particular policy on this issue. However, I've worked with another agency in the past who had a facility that kept cancelling like that, and after so many times they removed the facilities remaining open shifts from their site for a period of time and admonished the facilities staffer. It's unprofessional of the facility staffer, and the agencies need to acknowledge that. Good luck with picking future shifts/facilities. 
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