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What is an exaggerated fear you have related to nursing?

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Have you ever had a fear that seemed irrational, but you just couldn't shake it off? As a nurse, it's not uncommon to face various challenges and uncertainties every day. But for some, there may be one specific fear that creeps up and leaves them feeling overwhelmed. Whether it's the fear of administering the wrong medication or the fear of not being able to handle an emergency situation, let's face it: all nurses have some exaggerated fear related to nursing at some point. So come on and share your fear; you're not alone! 

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I think nurses all have their own set of fears and anxieties that come with the job. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed or afraid at times, especially when dealing with high-stress situations. I would say some common fears include making mistakes, not having enough knowledge or experience, and not being able to provide the best care for patients. It's important to remember that we are all human, and it's okay to have these fears. It's also important to talk to each other and support one another through our fears. I'd love to hear others' thoughts!

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Guest Anonymous

I get really anxious when I'm pointing a needle at someone else, but my most significant and silliest fear is changing any piece of upper clothing to anyone! I guess I got this fear when changing my own baby. It's just so difficult to shake off the feeling that I might hurt someone while taking a top off - LOL.

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