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Lisa Hunter

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  1. As far as the "Soft Nursing" label, I am a bit confused as to what the label is defining. The definition above states the label is for less physical, lower acuity positions, but also says it's travel or PRN nursing that is "soft" nursing. Are they saying PRN or gig ICU positions are "soft" compared to full time ICU positions? In my personal opinion that is created from my own experiences, I don't feel travel, PRN, or gig work in the same field or specialty is easier or "softer" than a full time position-it's just different. Each individual nurse can decide if they are cool with a constantly changing lifestyle and being able to see the world, or if they enjoy the structure and stability of being full time. I don't think either is soft. I'm really glad we have so many choices to help with burnout and all the stressors that come with nursing, but I don't think the "soft" label fits any of us - nursing is hard, extremely rewarding, but hard in any specialty.
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