General Nursing Care Information
Below is a list of links to articles written by authoritative organizations on some essential nursing care information as well as great places to get your CEUs! Trying to remember what medication abbreviations are acceptable to use in your charting? Or the correct order to don and doff your PPE? Check out the articles below!
PPE education: https://www.osha.gov/personal-protective-equipment
Safety and Health Topics: https://www.osha.gov/topics
Nursing Homes and Personal Care Facilities https://www.osha.gov/nursing-home
Worker Right and Health Administration https://www.osha.gov/workers
HIPPA for Professionals: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/index.html
HIPAA Training and Resources: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/training/index.html
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/patient-safety/statute-and-rule/index.html
CDC hand hygiene guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/infectioncontrol/summary-infection-prevention-practices/standard-precautions.html
Bloodborne Pathogen and needlestick prevention: https://www.osha.gov/bloodborne-pathogens