Background Check
Does Nursa Require a Background Check?
Yes, all clinicians will have a background check done at the federal/national/state/county level. Some states may also require an additional state-level registry or other background check. -
Do I have to pay for my background check?
Nursa covers every clinicians federal/national/state/county level check, as well as any additional checks required by specific states. Some states, however, may require a fingerprint clearance card, which Nursa does not cover and is the your responsibility to pay for and obtain if required by your state. -
Do I have to request a background check?
The background check process automatically begins on our end when you request your first shift, so don't wait to start requesting! But make sure that you keep an eye on your email for follow-up steps from the third parties who process our background checks. However, please ensure that you have uploaded your Drivers License or State ID to the app as well as completed your Wallet before requesting your first shift. That information is necessary for the background check. -
How long to background checks take?
The processing time for background checks is typically 5 to 7 days for both third-party/commercial and state. However keep in mind that the 5 to 7 day timeframe for third-party/commercial checks only begins after you have provided all of the necessary information to the the third party. They will reach out to you by email separately, so keep an eye on your email! Please note that if it has been less than 3 days since you requested your first shift to begin the background check, please give us a little more time before contacting support about it. We're on it! -
Third-Party/Commercial Background Checks
Nursa uses an outside, third-party vendor to process federal/national/state/county background checks. Nursa runs and pays for this background check for all clinicians using the Nursa app. You will be contacted by a vendor by email to provide them with information for your background check. If you haven’t seen anything from a vendor, please check your junk folder. And keep in mind that the vendor may reach out to you more than once for information, such as if additional forms must be completed. If you have any issue (such as your email link has expired) or question with this process, you will need to contact the specific vendor for further assistance. Nursa uses the following third-party vendors: First Advantage Phone: 800-888-5773 Email: Client.Services@fadv.com Checkr Visit the Candidate Help Center for Checkr assistance. After completing and submitting your profile, the process takes 5-7 business days to complete. Nursa will upload it to your Nursa profile once completed. And keep in mind that the vendor may reach out to you more than once for information, such as if additional forms must be completed. Please note that if it has been less than 3 days since you requested your first shift to begin the background check, please give us a little more time before contacting support about it. We're on it!