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Alix last won the day on April 20

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  1. I have noticed this here in Oregon too- specifically in the last few weeks. All facilities are paying significantly less… even for weekends, nights, and last minute shifts. I was thinking it may be because there’s so many of us using Nursa now, and the demand just isn’t there anymore? Being Agency is so challenging and if you aren’t getting paid more to do it, it’s just not worth it. Hopefully it will pick up again, or I too, will be looking for a permanent job or contract.
  2. Alix


    A facility marked me as a NCNS when I did in fact arrive for the shift. When I arrived at the facility I was told that they were fully staffed and that I needed to call their scheduler. When I called the person, they told me that they had forgotten to cancel me and that I needed to go home. Somehow, I was then marked as a NCNS by the facility. Despite having screenshots of my calls and texts with the facility scheduler, my account is frozen with Nursa and has been for almost TWO WEEKS. How can this happen when I was the one who was inconvenienced? I arrived for the shift and have proof but Nursa does not believe their clinicians and cuts off our livelihoods instead of resolving the issue. I have been in contact with several “customer service” reps and they have all been less than helpful. I’m hoping by posting on here, I will get someone’s attention who can actually help.
  3. I drove two hours to a shift tonight only to find out that the facility had “forgotten” to cancel me. I contacted Nursa and the only compensation they offer is $75?! I know it’s not Nursa’s fault but they should offer more protection for their nurses in these situations. $75 is nothing compared to what I thought I would be making tonight. Not only that but now the other jobs I could have requested have been filled. I know that if we no show or late cancel a shift there are repercussions but what about the facility? What happens to them for completely wasting my time?
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