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What's helpful in this community?

Guest Tiffany T.

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Guest Tiffany T.

Hi Everyone! 

First of all, thank you so much for joining this community! We really want to make this a space that is meaningful for everyone. On that note - we really want to know what resources the Nursa Team can provide and things we can do that is truly helpful to you. What topics, what articles, what workshops are the most interesting and needed?

Anything goes here! 

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Guest Kimberly Griffin4804500565

I used to have an issue with bullying in the workplace. I havent for quite awhile, but i know it still is prevalent in this field. There used to be a popular saying in nursing that nurses eat their young. When i researched the topic when it was happening to me, there is a plethera of useful information out there. I think putting a spot light on this issue could be beneficial to nurses. It would give those that are experiencing it tools to utilize to get thru a difficult time and those guilty of it may not even realize they are doing it...it just becomes "thats just the way they are" part of their personality. They may get an "ah ha" moment and change their ways.

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19 hours ago, Krishna Floisand said:

Thanks @Mornique Dicey and @Mataya Salvino! I know taxes are a hot topic for sure. I think a Tacos and Taxes night would be so fun and informational!


Keep the ideas coming 🙂 

I think that would be excellent idea and very helpful were you thinking over a webinar or putting together something in person?

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