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Laila Ighani

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Laila Ighani last won the day on September 8

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  1. Mugs! I like to use different mugs based on my mood ☕
  2. This article on non-verbal communication in nursing might be useful!
  3. Unfortunately, junk food is significantly cheaper than fresh fruits and vegetables. It's so sad that healthy food is a luxury for so many families 💔
  4. Thank you for bringing this up! I don't remember any mental health screenings before or after the births of my children. As @Karin Zonneveldmentioned, I thankfully found support in a community of moms who were going through the same experiences ❤️. Doulas can also make a huge difference during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
  5. It's definitely a complex issue, but ultimately, I believe healthcare is a basic human right and, therefore, should be free.
  6. Grandparents Day was also on September 10th! September is full of reminders that older generations are not burdens but treasure troves of knowledge and experiences.
  7. Nursing Professional Development (NPD) Week is celebrated annually during the third week of September. In 2024, this week spans September 14-20. It's an opportunity to recognize the work done by nursing professional development team members. During this week, everyone is encouraged to celebrate the achievements of nursing professionals, thank nursing staff, host educational activities, and teach others about nursing professional development. What do you think would be a good way to celebrate Nursing Professional Development Week?
  8. Neonatal Nurses Week, which takes place this year from September 14 to 20, is an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and dedication of neonatal nurses. How are you going to celebrate? The first step is to learn more about this crucial nursing specialty. #NeonatalNursesWeek
  9. Grandparents Day passed on September 8, 2024, but all this month is a time to celebrate those who came before us. This year’s theme is “Grand Minds: Learn, Love, Legacy.” It reminds us that it is never too late to learn and grow and that grandparents and older adults inspire, mentor, and shape the future of younger generations. This September let's #DoSomethingGrand for grandparents!
  10. The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is "Changing the Narrative on Suicide" with the call to action "Start the Conversation". The goal is to reduce the stigma around suicide and encourage open conversations, shifting from a culture of silence to one of understanding and support. What is the role of nurses in starting these conversations? Is preventing suicide part of a nurse's role?
  11. I love yoga! I think all physical activity offers both physical and mental health benefits, but yoga is definitely one of my top picks for overall wellness.
  12. Do you ever find yourself referencing the NANDA nursing diagnosis list while on the job? It can be overwhelming to remember all the potential diagnoses for your patients, and the NANDA list is a helpful resource to have on hand. Share your experiences with using the NANDA list in your practice and how it has helped you care for your patients! #NANDANursingDiagnoses #NursingPractice #NursingForum
  13. Do you typically accept overtime shifts? What are your reasons for accepting or declining them? Is it for financial gain, personal fulfillment, or to contribute to the team? Do you find that regularly working overtime affects your physical and mental wellbeing? Share your experiences and insights on working overtime as a nurse!
  14. A recently published article titled Nursing Team Composition and Mortality Following Acute Hospital Admission found a statistically significant increase in the risk of death among patients exposed to days of low nurse staffing and that using temporary staff only partially reduced the risk of patient deaths. In your experience, is PRN nursing less effective than the care provided by internal staff? Read the article here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2822398
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