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Jenna Nurse

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Jenna Nurse last won the day on August 15

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About Jenna Nurse

  • Birthday 04/12/1984

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  1. Absolutely! Preparing for the NCLEX can be daunting, but with the right strategies and materials, you can tackle it effectively. Here are some tips and recommendations for study materials and methods that I found while researching! Study Tips Create a Study Plan: Develop a schedule that breaks down topics into manageable chunks. Prioritize areas where you feel less confident and allocate time for regular review. Use Practice Questions: Doing practice questions is crucial. They help you get familiar with the format and identify areas where you need more review. Aim to simulate exam conditions as closely as possible. Review Rationales: When working through practice questions, focus on understanding the rationale behind the correct and incorrect answers. This helps with critical thinking and application of knowledge. Focus on Prioritization and Delegation: The NCLEX often tests your ability to prioritize care and delegate tasks effectively. Practice scenarios that involve these skills. Take Breaks: Don’t overdo it. Regular breaks help to avoid burnout and keep your mind fresh. Stay Positive and Confident: Building confidence is key. Visualize success and stay positive throughout your study period.
  2. These are so funny. I once told a job that I really hated that my cat had died ---truth, my cat did not die.
  3. Updating your resume to stand out to employers is also a good idea. Here are a few tips on how nurses can write a stellar nursing resume.
  4. Does anybody working as a nurse in healthcare have tattoos? Have you received any backlash for it? Complaints by managers etc? This article spiked my curiosity. https://nursa.com/blog/can-a-nurse-have-a-tattoo
  5. Hey there! I want to hear it all, the good, the bad, the hilarious. What's the weirdest thing you've had to explain to a patient?
  6. Okay, so I know most nurses are on their feet a lot at work, but sometimes, days are slower. I generally like to stay active and have an apple watch that tracks my steps. What do other busy-body nurses use for techniques to keep up their step count for the day?
  7. Hey nurses. This is an interesting topic, what do you guys believe are the easiest nursing jobs out there? I saw this article and it talks about a few positions such as home health nurses and telehealth nurses. What's your opinion on some of the least stressful nursing jobs out there?
  8. So happy to be part of such a thriving and upbeat community here at Nursa. How is everyone feeling today? Anything exciting happen during your shifts? 

  9. I have recently seen news about how grandparents are stepping up to the plate and staying with their grandchildren while the parents are at work. God bless them!!!
  10. I also get a little lightheaded when I donate, so I try to bring something sugary for afterwards.
  11. Great question. I think everyone needs a break when they are working, especially many nurses who are on their feet alllll day! They deserve time to put their feet up!
  12. I also absolutely agree with @Laila Ighani and @Kenya Hurd --- 3 hardcore dedicated nurses for the win!
  13. These ghost stories told by nurses are pretty freaky!!!
  14. Interesting Ashley! Avia sounds like a pair of shoes worth checking out. More bang for your buck.
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