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Crystal Baker Shoaie

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Crystal Baker Shoaie last won the day on August 20

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  1. Yes, it is hard. Family, friends, colleagues have such different expectations, and you have to come to terms with your own ideas about maternity. It is perhaps the richest experience in life as far as sweet moments, deep love and bonding go, but it is also immensely demanding and a heavy responsibility. I tell you, being a grandmother is a whole lot easier!
  2. One in every five mothers suffer depression, anxiety, or substance use disorder during pregnancy or in the postpartum period, and at least half struggle with these complex and disabling issues without treatment, often too embarrassed to seek the help they need. One practical approach to this problem is integrating mental health screenings into routine prenatal and postpartum visits to help identify and address maternal mental health issues early on. This reduces stigma and makes it easier to access care. Do you know if your hospital or clinic has integrated mental health into prenatal or maternity visits?
  3. Did you know that Positive Aging Week is coming up from September 30th through October 6th? It's for all of us, those who are already in the 70s, 80s, or 90s, and the younger folks. We older ones will be better off if we have goals and projects, and never stop learning. And at any age, kindly challenging ageism is a positive contribution to a world facing a demographic shift towards an older society. For Positive Aging Week this year, I'm planning on getting together with a group of children and one of the great-grandparents who can tell them some good stories. This is easy to do in my neighborhood. It could also be in some other context, like a school, or a church, or a family activity. Or you could take 2 or 3 children to visit a housebound senior, or someone in a nursing home and listen to them. You probably have to prepare the seniors to help them remember some stories and maybe prompt them. Afterwards, the children can draw some pictures to give or send to their grandparents. What could you do?
  4. My children all had lice, and it took a lot of anti-lice shampoo and fine-combing to free the household of it. It turned out that they were bringing it home from school. How did you apply the hot straight iron?
  5. What's your favorite food right after a long, tiring shift? What I feel like when I'm exhausted is a good hot toasted cheese sandwich with a little oregano. However, if I can make myself eat a fresh salad with olives, tomatoes, greens, and a little cheese or chicken, I enjoy it and feel a lot better afterwards.
  6. What is something at work that never fails to put you in a good mood for the rest of the day? For me it can just be another person radiating happiness. It's contagious.
  7. Thank you! Very helpful articles.
  8. Hi everybody! I was just seeing some data published to raise awareness on childhood cancer. You may know that although accidents are the number one cause of death in children, as far a disease goes, cancer is the most common cause. Have you found any particularly effective ways to help children and their families through this heart-rending experience?
  9. You could try some volunteer work in healthcare just to get a taste of it. Those who are not yet nurses or healthcare professionals can help with things like greeting patients and families, showing them where to go, or translating if you happen to know another language. It can be helpful to accompany someone who seems a little lost. Of course, you do not actually practice nursing, but you can see something of the work environment and maybe even get a chance to talk with nurses although they tend to be very busy. I'm sure you can find volunteer opportunities in your area.
  10. I’m curious about everyone’s experiences with long shifts. How many 12-hour shifts have you worked in a row, and what do you do to recharge during those marathon sessions? It would be great to hear what techniques or tricks have worked for you to stay energized when you are utterly exhausted.
  11. I once had a neighbor who was happy to take care of my children now and then. She had children around the same age and my kids loved being at their house. My neighbor did not accept pay, but really appreciated nice gifts. I knew the children were safe and happy. I tried to return the kindness in several ways, for example helping her children with some classes.
  12. How about TMBs? For too many birthdays! That one made me smile.
  13. Nursing school prepares you for so much, but there are always going to be gaps between what you learn and what you actually do. I'm like to hear what topics or skills any of you feel were overemphasized in your education compared to their real-world application. What did you think would be essential but turned out to be not so much?
  14. Here's another good blog article on Smart Hospitals, explaining the use of AI, virtual reality, and a few advantages of smart hospital rooms like smart TVs that have things like blinds control, ventilation and heating integrated into the system. This helps reduce the nurse calls. Here's the link. https://nursa.com/blog/smart-hospital-what-is-it-and-what-are-the-benefits
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