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Nueva Koehler

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Nueva Koehler last won the day on December 9 2023

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About Nueva Koehler

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Years in Healthcare
  • License Type
    Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Specialty
    Long-Term Acute Care, Skilled Nursing, Long Term Care, Correctional

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  1. Whenever I contact NURSA support with an issue, I am met with an apology that is nothing more than a band-aid solution. I have found that there is rarely any accountability, as the issue does not get fixed. When I arrived for a shift, there was no "I have arrived" button on the app. I contacted NURSA support immediately and the agent I spoke to assured me I should have no problem with instant pay since he manually entered my clock in time. Upon finishing my shift, I submitted my shift report. However, I did not receive instant pay. Upon contacting NURSA support again, the agent informed me that the shift report preceded the tech team manually adding the "I have arrived" button. At this point, I expressed my confusion and notified the agent of the previous agent's manual clock-in and the assurances provided. The agent does not know why I was given this information and apologizes for the inconvenience this has caused. In addition, I was informed that the facility must submit a verification report and once it is received there should be no delays and will receive payment the following day. The verification report was submitted, and the app reflected payment for the 13th. However, when searching for shifts in the evening, I noticed payment was pushed back and for the third time, I reach out to NURSA support and I am told they delay is caused by my clock in time not being entered before submitting my shift report. Upon explaining the situation, the agent responded, "I'm at a loss for words." Well, I too am at a loss for words.
  2. There was a brief thread in July regarding facilities that post shifts but do not respond to clinicians who request them. In my previous post, I mentioned that there are certain facilities that post shifts that are not actually available, and it is misleading to clinicians and ultimately a waste of time. On Tuesday, I requested a posted shift for Friday, 12/08. I informed the scheduler about the shift this morning and included a snippet of her response. As far as I know, the facility is not known for doing this, and I hope it does not become a long-term problem. What measures has NURSA taken to discourage facilities from posting shifts 'just in case'?
  3. @Krishna Floisandbased on my experience, it's very easy to get. I personally use NSO but there are many others.
  4. Every self-employed nurse should have liability/malpractice insurance which also includes license protection. The facilities' liability insurance extends to their staff only. Something to keep in mind, even if we as nurses did not make the error, we can still get sued. Unfortunately, we live in a highly litigious society and the reality is that; we will get sued whether or not we were the ones who made the mistake. Liability insurance for a self-employed nurse can run anywhere from $300-$700 for the year. Its worth every penny for peace of mind.
  5. Have you ever experienced a bedside nursing situation that you wish hadn't occurred for the simple reason that it made you appear foolish? Please do share. One night, I was working on the LTC unit at a facility where I frequently picked up shifts, so I had developed a good rapport with the residents and the staff. I check on a resident who had their call light on. He was looking for Robert, his CNA, to change his colostomy bag. Although I offered to do it, he declined. It was quite a relief for me, but not for the reason one might expect. As of that point in my career, I did not even remember having a patient with a colostomy, and the last time I provided care for a colostomy was during my clinical training. In spite of the fact that I knew how to do it, I was certain that Robert would put me to shame. A little more than an hour had passed, and the same resident had his light on and was once again searching for Robert. Because I had only seen Robert once during the previous couple of hours, I assumed that he was having a very busy night. I informed him that Robert was with another resident; however, I am able to assist him. He insisted on waiting for his CNA, but I convinced him to allow me to help him. In addition to stool, his ostomy bag was fully inflated due to gas. I REPEAT, the ostomy bag was fully inflated due to gas, and do you think I had the sense to slowly let the air out prior to completely removing the bag from the wafer? Not at all! As I detached the bag from the wafer, I heard a sound similar to removing a cork from a bottle. Behind the resident was a wall covered with you know what, including the resident's forehead and glasses. The only thing I could say was I am sorry. There was no other explanation except that my brains had decided to take a vacation at that very moment leaving me without any sense. In addition to feeling horrible, the residents' reaction to what I had done made me feel even worse. He apologized for the situation we were both in at the time. He was concerned for me. HUH?! I put at end to that real quick and immediately redirected his attention and explained to him that my brain fart was to blame. I often became this resident's nurse when I picked up a shift, which made perfect sense since we shared a bond. It was a bond that neither of us spoke about, not even to each other.
  6. Last week, I picked up a shift and after 48 hours had passed without an update, I texted the staffer. It appears she had forgotten to cancel the shift that was filled by another staffing agency, not by a Nursa Clinician. @DeVante, as a follow up to your excellent suggestion, a refundable fee should be attached to every shift facility posting, along with terms and conditions.
  7. @DeVante this happens a lot with a couple of facilities in Arizona. They will post shifts just in case they need someone at the last minute for call offs, and that is the reason why you are not notified a shift has been filled. It saves them money but its a disservice to the clinician.
  8. @NikkiArizona has issued licenses for the State of Arizona who do not qualify for the compact license.
  9. There is a specific facility that posts openings for every shift not because they are available but it's to be prepared just in case they need someone. Of course, if they post a shift at the last minute when they need someone, the rate is much higher.
  10. It's been a while since I have used this app, and I picked up my first shift yesterday. There are a handful of facilities listing shifts as far out as one month, and I can guarantee that these shifts are not currently available. This is misleading to clinicians who pick up shifts, waiting for an answer but will never get one. My thought is that facilities should be required to pay a fee when posting shifts and if the shift is filled, perhaps the fee can be deducted from their payment.
  11. I am having to filter in my license & state each time I open the app which is several times a day. I never had this problem when I first started back in June. Do we have a timeline on when this will be resolved?
  12. I have to filter in my license every single time I get on the app and search for a shift. Is anyone having this issue?
  13. I am still having to filter in my license and state each time, whether I am using the app or website.
  14. @Krishna Floisand any update regarding the filters? I still have to filter in my credentials and state. If I don’t, every position in various states pop up.
  15. @JKJI was curious myself, I have yet to subscribe to one.
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