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  • Getting Started | Nursa Facilities

    New to Nursa? Start here!
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      Lesson 1: New Facility User Signup

      Welcome to Nursa! We’re SO thrilled that you’re here!   Signing up as a new facility user is easy, and we’re here every step of the way. We encourage administrators, DONs, RCCs, schedulers, staffers, and even supervisors to sign up and connect to your building for a better flow of communication with scheduling.   Nursa gives you the ability to actively manage shift needs, quickly address scheduling gaps, and contact per diem clinicians ready to work for you – all through the app.  Signing Up with Nursa Download the Nursa App Download the Nursa App from your Google Play or App Store, or you can access the desktop version at app.nursa.com Tap Sign Up Tap I Manage a Facility Review the brief introduction by tapping Next Enter your first and last name Enter your email address (this is where you'll receive notifications) A verification email will be sent to the address provided. Go to your email and click the link, which will return you to the app to continue Create a password Enter your phone number Tap I AGREE That's it! You're signed up!   Next, you'll need to Connect to Your Facility.      Next Guide ⇒  Connect to Your Facilty
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      Lesson 2: Connecting to Your Facility

      Now that you’ve created your Nursa account, let’s get you connected to your facility!   Connecting to your facility will give you the ability to post shifts and manage existing requests while allowing you to contact clinicians directly through the app.   The Nursa app allows multiple facility users to be connected to your building, including admins, DONs, and schedulers, so that everyone can stay connected on scheduling needs. Connecting to Your Facility First, you need to have a Nursa facility account. Review Lesson 1 if you haven’t already set up your account.   If you already have a Nursa facility account, follow these steps: Tap Menu in the top left corner Select Facilities Tap the purple + icon in the bottom right Scroll or search to find your facility and select it  Note: Contact Support if you can not find your Facility When prompted, "Are you sure you want to connect to this facility?" click “Yes” This sends an email request to others who are connected to that facility to confirm the connection. Wait for connection to be confirmed   If you are the first or only user connected to your facility, a Nursa representative will have to connect you. If you know of other Nursa users at your facility, one of them can connect you. Contact Nursa support if your verification is pending for an extended period.   After you're connected, you can start managing shifts!   Next up, setting up your facility Screening Lists.   Video Tutorial    ⇐ Previous Guide New Facility User Signup Next Guide ⇒  Facility Screening Lists
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      Lesson 3: Facility Screening Lists

      Now that you’re connected to your facility, let’s walk through Screening Lists.   Your Screening Lists are set lists of credentials that you want to see in the clinicians that you hire. Every Screening List includes Essential Credentials. Nursa automatically includes these based on what’s most important in the healthcare industry, but you should add any others that your facility requires or would prefer to see in your clinicians.   Note: If you don't edit your Primary Screening list, it will simply include the default Essential Credentials and state essentials.   When you post shifts, you’ll choose which Screening List you want for that particular shift and will be able to see how clinicians who request the shift match your preferred credentials.   Building Your Primary Screening List Tap Menu in the top left Tap Facilities to see all of the facilities you’re connected to Select the specific facility Scroll down to Screenings Tap the pencil icon on Primary Screening Note: You’ll see the Essential Credentials and Credentials In State – these cannot be edited or removed Under Other, you can choose from the categories then add desired credentials Tap the pencil or + icon Tap the purple + to add a credential or the purple x to remove it Tap the purple check mark to confirm selection Once all credentials are added, tap Confirm   Your Primary Screening List is now set up!   This will be your default list for all shifts that you post, but you can also create as many Alternate Lists as needed, say for a different shift or for a specific license. Creating Alternate Screening Lists Tap Menu in the top left Tap Facilities to see all of the facilities you’re connected to Select the specific facility Scroll down to Screenings Tap Add Alternate Screening Note: You’ll see the Essential Credentials and Credentials In State – these cannot be edited or removed Under Other, choose from the categories then add desired credentials Once all credentials are added, tap Confirm Name your Alternate Screening List and tap Save   Your Alternate Screening List is now set up! To view or edit your lists, swipe left on mobile or click-and-drag left in the Screening section.   To learn more about how these lists work in action, see Posting a Shift or Scheduling a Clinician.   Next up, learn about Posting a Shift.    ⇐ Previous Guide Connecting to Your Facility Next Guide ⇒  Posting a Single Shift
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      Lesson 4: Posting a Single Shift

      You’ve set up your account and connected to your facility – now let’s get you scheduling shifts!   There are several ways that you can post shifts. The easiest way is posting individual shifts one at a time. (To see how to post multiple shifts at once, see Lesson 5.) Posting a Single Shift Tap Menu in the top left Select Shifts Tap the blue "+" in the bottom right  Tap the "+" next to Add Shifts Select the correct facility Fill out the Add Shift fields Date Time (in Military time format) Note: You can select Create new time or select from recently used shift times License Total number of shifts for identical shifts needed with the exact details, up to 9 shifts Instructions Clinicians are more likely to request shifts with detailed instructions because they feel more confident that they know what to expect. You can create, edit, and use Saved Instructions, which are accessible to anyone connected to your facility. Learn how to use Saved Instructions here. Shift Stickers, if applicable, such as if a clinician will be working with COVID patients or if they'll be handing out meds Screening List Note: Your Primary Screening List will be the default, but you can select an Alternate List by tapping on Screening and swiping left on mobile or drag-and-swipe on desktop When all the shift information is filled out, tap Add New Note: From this point, you can add another shift if needed, or proceed with posting the single shift Tap the purple arrow in the bottom right  Review that all of the information is correct. If it is, tap Post   Now your shift is posted and live on the marketplace! Clinicians will now be able to review and request this shift.   Facilities always have final hiring decision with Nursa, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your notifications and review requests when they come in.   And don’t wait too long to schedule a clinician! You may miss out if they're scheduled somewhere else first.   Next up, Posting Multiple Shifts. Or skip to Schedule a Clinician.  
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      Lesson 5: Posting Multiple Shifts

      Now that you’re a master at posting single shifts, let’s walk through adding multiple shifts at once.   Note: We’re going to skip a few steps here and make some assumptions, so if you’re not familiar with adding a single shift, review those steps in Lesson 4 first.   If you want to add shifts with similar details, perhaps you need multiple shifts for the same time but on a different date, you can use the copy icon to duplicate shift details you have already added and change just the details that are different. Posting Multiple Shifts Create a Single Shift (Lesson 4) Tap Add New You now have two choices here: Fill in all new information Click the copy icon (two overlapping pieces of paper) to duplicate what you've already entered You can edit any specific details as needed Tap Add New Note: Repeat Step 3 for any additional shifts needed, up to 9 shifts When you've added all shifts that you need, tap the purple arrow in the bottom right corner Review that all of the information is correct. If it is, tap Post Using Bulk Upload Bulk uploading shifts is another option for posting multiple shifts at once.   Note: Bulk uploading can get a little complicated. Posting a single or multiple shifts is definitely more straightforward.   This feature can be a time saver if you have a lot of shifts that only vary with the license type, times, and date. The only caveat is that they will all have the same instructions and Shift Stickers (such as COVID or MedTech).  Tap Menu in the top left Select Shifts Tap the blue + icon in the bottom right  Tap the upload icon next to Upload Shifts In the box, provide shift details in this order and format License (RN/LPN/CNA/CG/QMAP) Date (11/27 or 11/27/22) and Time (6a-6p or 6:00-18:00) and Break (30min) Example: Tap the purple arrow in the bottom right Select the facility Select the Screening List Note: This will apply to all jobs created Provide Job Instructions and select Shift Stickers Note: These will apply to all jobs created Review that all of the information is correct. If it is, tap Confirm    A final way of posting multiple shifts at once is uploading a csv or txt file. The txt file should be the same format as above, and with the csv format, please include all of the shift information on one line including a license type with each one:                  That's it! Now you're a master of uploading multiple shifts too.   Up next, reviewing shift requests and confirming and Scheduling a Clinician.    ⇐ Previous Guide Post a Single Shift Next Guide ⇒  Schedule a Clinician/Confirm Request        
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      Lesson 6: Scheduling a Clinician

      After you post shifts with Nursa, clinicians will see them and start requesting!   As the facility user, you have final say in who works in your building, which also means you are responsible for scheduling clinicians for your shifts.   Be sure to keep up on your notifications and check the app to see who’s requested your shifts. Reviewing Requests and Scheduling a Clinician Tap Menu in the top left Select Schedule Tap Filters above your calendar on the left Tap Shift Status Shift Status filters default to include eight statuses: Open, Viewed, Requested, Scheduled, In Progress, Clinician Shift Report, Facility Shift Report, Admin Shift Report, and Completed To more easily identify only Requested shifts, deselect all other Shift Statuses by tapping the purple “x” next to the other seven statuses Tap the purple check mark Tap Save Note: Requested shifts show as red dots on the calendar, indicating an action is needed Tap on the Shift Card Tap Manage Request You’ll see a list of clinicians who have requested to work that shift. From this view, you can see how many credentials each clinician has that match your Screening List (e.g. 10/14 Credentials), and you can view each clinician's request for more details Tap on each clinician to see view their profile: Facility Rating – how they’ve been rated working at your facility only Notes – information left by someone else connected to your facility License Match to Screening List You'll see your selected Screening List. If a clinician has a credential, the check mark next to it will be blue. If they're missing the credential, it will be grayed out Note: If the clinician is missing a credential that you’d like them to upload if possible, tap Suggest Clinician Upload a Credential to contact the clinician Background Check(s) Experience (if provided) Contact Information Tap Reject if you want to pass on the clinician, or Schedule to confirm this clinician   That’s it! You’ve now scheduled that clinician. They will be notified that they have been scheduled, and you’re all set!   Next up, completing a Facility Shift Report.
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      Lesson 7: Completing a Facility Shift Report

      After a clinician works your shift, you’ll each complete a Shift Report, so they can get paid.   Nursa does not follow traditional time tracking practices, such as clocking in/out or paper timesheets. Instead, clinicians will receive a notification at the end of their shift prompting them to complete their Shift Report.    A Shift Report is a two-step process. First, the clinician will record and submit their Shift Report. Then you (the facility) have two full business days to verify the time that was reported.   If the report is not verified within two business days, Nursa will auto-verify the Shift Report to ensure the clinician is paid in a timely manner. Verifying a Shift Report Tap in-app Notifications (the bell icon in the top right) Note: If you miss a notification, go to your schedule and filter by Facility Shift Report shift status. A red dot on the calendar means there is a Facility Shift Report to approve Tap Verify Shift Report on Shift Card Select Yes, They Worked this Shift.  Note: If the clinician DID NOT in fact work the shift, tap No, They Didn't Work this Shift and follow the prompted step The shift start, end and break times will auto-populate.  Note: If there is any need to edit times or add a bonus, click "Edit Submitted Times" Select Approve Clinician Shift Report You can then rate the clinician and leave a comment if desired   That's it! The Shift Report has been verified and is ready for payment!   It’s the clinician’s responsibility to check their schedule and complete their Shift Reports first. It’s the facility's responsibility to verify Shift Reports within two days of completion, or they will be auto-verified.   That’s it for getting started! Those are the basics you need to know to set up your account, post shifts, schedule clinicians, and complete Shift Reports!   There’s lots of helpful information in our Facility Help Articles, and our Nursa Community is full of other healthcare professionals looking to connect, so have a look around!   We’re so happy you’re here!   Previous Guide ⇐  Schedule A Clinician
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