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Dorlah Lawrence

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Dorlah Lawrence last won the day on June 7

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  • Years in Healthcare
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    RN, PHN
  • Specialty
    Nursing Education

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  1. In California, nurses applied tohrough a state registry for work during the Pandemic. The state provided work sites, hotels, meals and self-testing, contact tracing and Covid pay if sick with Covid. I don't know how many nurses died of Covid in CA. Nurses on staff at community hospitals told me that they felt safe at work by wearing their N-95 and adherence to all infection controls.
  2. The scheduler has not responded after 35 hours and today is Wed. After more than 10 days since I followed up on their request and placed my request to work. - Still no response or confirmation from them.
  3. What platform is your nursing school using to assist you in passing the NCLEX??
  4. Hi Krishna, Same issue in California concerning no SOS bonus payments. I have worked 2 SOS shifts and expect to be paid " up to 40% more" as advertised. This has been reviewed by the accounts manager according to expert Tonya. I have an email from Tonya who said that the accounts manager stated she did not approve any bonus In my case. This is unacceptable when SOS shifts are sent out on a daily basis to clinicians, but SOS payments are not being made to us. NURSA will have to immediately resolve these valid labor disputes. Krishna, Will you take this issue to the highest authority so that we receive SOS bonuses owed to us and so that they can authorize publication of SOS and other bonus policies so that we will all be treated with respect and fairness.
  5. Dorlah Lawrence

    Shift Check In and Arrival

    I am now receiving the I AM HERE icon prior to each shift. I complete the shift report immediately after each shift and get paid by the following day. I still have not been paid for two SOS bonuses. The pay rate I have received is the regular posted rate for the regular shift. These discrepancies should be reviewed and corrected ASAP. The experts in the chat referred this up the chain of command, but with unfavorable resolution.
  6. NURSA should make your issue a priority. Working a double is not only heroic but also should have a higher rate for the finsl 8 hours. I would wait for an SOS for the additional shift in the future. Be sure that the SOS bonus is paid to you If you accept an SOS shift.
  7. Move a nanny, au par, grandparent or other reliable relative in and come to an acceptable agreement on payment. You will have piece of mind that your child/children are well cared for at home while you are at a job that requires total concentration.
  8. Dorlah Lawrence

    Urgent Shifts - SOS

    Am correct in believing that NURSA is responsible for paying the SOS bonus (up to 40% more) and not the facility? I have not received SOS bonuses on the two occasions that I have worked SOS shifts? Can nurses who have actually worked SOS shifts please post their experiences concerning this bonus? I have queried/discussed with the chat expert concerning one of the two SOS shifts and have not been paid either bonus.
  9. Dorlah Lawrence

    Invite Friend Section

    I spoke to an expert last month concerning referral bonuses and was informed that there are no bonuses for California referrals at this time. Have anyone received a referral bonus in California or in any other state for referring another nurse? When discussing these important policy matters with chat experts, there should be a way to save the discussion or to forward it by email so that it can be uploaded here or elsewhere as proof of the policy information received. I will take a screenshot in the future.
  10. Your nursing program should be referring students to one of the several platforms available to assist you in passing your specific NCLEX exam.
  11. This situation is still occuring. The Labor Day weekend is coming up and I have yet to be approved for Sat & Sun. I have been waiting for confirmation for 10 days. I am reaching out now to thr schrdular and will let you know if your suggestion works Krishna.
  12. Dorlah Lawrence

    Shift Check In and Arrival

    SOS rates are not published. Please clarify rates, if the facility or NURSA is responsible for the payment, and if there is a difference between a bonus and an SOS.
  13. In California, the LPN or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) is no longer utilized in acute care settings (due to the Nurse to Patient Ratio Laws) and are being replaced by Medical Assistance (MA) in ambulatory care settings. LVNs however are utilized to a high degree in Skilled Nursing Facilities , and Long Term Care as TEAM LEADERS and to lesser degrees, in Hospice, Memory Care and Home Health as a back-up to RN Case Managers. By California state laws and the Nurse Practices Act, LVNs must be supervised by an RN at all times, and are required to collaborate with an RN Supervisor whenever there is/are change(s) in a patients' condition. These collaborations are documented by the LVN in the patient's EMR (Electronic Medical Record), generally via a check off formatted page. LVNs are highly regarded in California and are highly skilled in medication administration, wound care, trach and oral suctioning, and venipuncture.
  14. I would like more med-surg opportunities, preferably in the greater Los Angeles area at this time.
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